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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 12/07/05
DECEMBER 7, 2005

Selectboard Present:    Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        David Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairperson Brenda Ferland called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The Selectboard is holding this Public Hearing to hear public comment regarding proposed fees for all required fire inspections including those for oil burning equipment, daycare, foster care and other childcare facilities.  The proposed fee for all fire inspections is an initial $25.00 and follow-up inspections, if necessary, will be $10.00 each.  This is one inspection that the Town has never charged for but the Board now feels that these minimal fees are appropriate.  This will be effective January 1st, 2006.  There were no comments from the public.  

Steve Neill moved to adopt the proposed Fire Inspection Fees to be effective January 1st, 2006.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

The Public Hearing was closed at 7:06 P.M.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Workshop meeting of October 24, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of November 16, 2005, with one correction:  Page 1 –Water & Sewer– change the 2001 “F150” to a “F350”.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-Public Selectboard meeting of November 16, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed reported there have been two snowstorms and approximately 250 tons of sand and 40 tons of salt were used.  They are cleaning ditches with the grader.  The two street signs have been installed on Lovers Lane.  A few days were spent at the Transfer Station helping get the wall built.  They are working in the pit with St. Pierre, Inc.; it will be done tomorrow and there is a lot of gravel to use in there.  They have been in contact with the Fish and Game Department regarding the culvert at Scott’s Drive; they hope to have an answer tomorrow on the pipe.  Keith will be in Concord on Friday morning at the DES for a seminar.  

Police Department:  Chief Smith advised that the department has been very busy.  They have been working on the paperwork for the generator and are working on a grant for a repeater.  With respect to the property removal on Blueberry Hill, it was started but the subject did not have much help and requested coming back on the weekend.  Dave Edkins will defer turning over ownership to the mobile home park owners until Monday.

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette distributed information that includes figures for comparing the two water systems including the income comparison over the last few years after putting in the meters.  The Town is now over 98% metered and the figures reflect the difference between flat rates vs. metered.  The revenue figure is accurate.  It also includes data on arsenic test results; four quarterly tests were done and they are still right at the maximum.   On the last page is what they are going to monitor next year.  The yearly report will be done after December but the billing is done October-to-October.  The Michael Avenue Pump Station has been up and running for a week.  

Mr. Duquette has been working on getting an easement from the property owners for the Geer Hill Pump Station.  He began the negotiations by offering the owners five years of free water but the owner pointed out that he is gone about five months of the year so asked for ten years.  Dave Duquette has a problem with ten years as properties can change hands and consumption could increase dramatically.  Their average water bill is about $162/year so Dave Duquette would like to offer the owner a one-time payment of $1,620.  The Selectboard agreed to the one-time payment and signed the Easement document.  The water line will also go across the Randy Town property and he seems agreeable, acknowledging that he has the line in his backyard.  Dave Duquette will meet with him tomorrow.                       

The aquifer is high so they are worried about frost.  They are checking meters when there are questions.  A few people thanked them for the meters in Hidden Valley because their metered bills are lower than the flat fee.  

Dave Duquette asked for two trucks in his proposed budget but the Selectboard deleted one.  He made an appeal for the small truck; the price for a small Ford Ranger is about $17,000.  This truck is needed, it is vital to getting around town and getting things done.  Brenda Ferland advised that the Selectboard had not finalized the proposed budget and will take this into consideration.

Robert Beaudry, Chairman of the FMRSD Budget Committee; Russ LaCroix and Bruce Martin, both members-at-large, were present.  Mr. Beaudry explained that this year the Budget Committee is visiting the five towns in the district.  A letter with six questions had previously been sent to the Selectboard.  The proposed budget for 2006 is $23,816,265 or an increase of about 5.9% over last years operating budget, which was $22,584,313.   The default budget as proposed is $22,773,131 or $1,043,134 less.
Question #1:  The Selectboard’s concerns are the retroactive pay and the unwillingness of the teachers to negotiate on the health care.  Mr. Beaudry stated that the Budget Committee has no part in the negotiation process.  The School Board has held firm on these issues.  This is the second year with no contract for the teachers and third year for the support staff.  Unless the district voters vote to approve the fact finder’s report, they will have to continue the negotiations.  Dave Edkins noted that based on the proposed school budget the tax rate would increase $2.80/per thousand and that doesn’t reflect any part of the contract settlement; that is on top of a $4.00/per thousand increase this past year so in two years the school portion in Charlestown went up close to 50%.   

Question #2:  With reference to the CPI, Charlestown proposed a 3.5% increase in salaries for the upper level management and 4.5% for the hourly wage employees.  The health insurance reflects a single digit increase of less than 8% for next year which is considerably lower than last year when there was a double-digit percentage.

Question #3:  To reduce costs.  Steve Neill mentioned classroom size and the student to teacher ratios.  Brenda Ferland feels this has something to do with the block scheduling of classes.  There is declining enrollment so people will take a look at that.  Robert Beaudry said the projected enrollment for next year is less than this year.  It will cost about $800 more per student this coming year; increasing from $11,400 to $12,200.  With regard to energy saving plans, Robert Beaudry stated that they are looking at some windows, insulation, fuel and boiler repairs.  The District has been operating on a declining maintenance figure for several years to help cover teachers’ salaries.  Robert Beaudry is concerned with the block scheduling and the number of credits to graduate.  The State mandatory figure is 19-3/4 credits but the District has it set at 28 credits.  Some students take filler courses to reach the 28 credits; that requires more teachers.  They have worked hard on the number of aides.  Steve Neill noted that there seems to be a lot of bus movement with fewer children.  Is the District paying for mileage and, if so, he would like to see a copy of the school bus contract; Robert Beaudry will see that he gets a copy.  

Question #4:  Capital Reserve Funds.  Brenda Ferland would only support it if it was specified for a certain fund like a roof, windows or a boiler and the School Board cannot touch it without a vote of the voters.  Robert Beaudry said it would be only for capital projects but not regular maintenance things.  There would be a separate account for each town.  

Bruce Martin advised that one of the initiatives in the proposed budget is to move to an all-day kindergarten at an estimated cost of $175,000.  Jon LeClair and Brenda Ferland are not in favor of it.  That is a long day for small children – five-to-six years old; the attention span isn’t there.  Each principal indicated that they have sufficient space to do this.  

Question #5 and #6:  Priorities for next year’s budget.  It was noted that holding the costs on health care insurance and payroll wages are priorities.  Russ LaCroix said these meetings have been terrific.  Jon LeClair asked how many more sick days does the District have to buy-back for the teachers.  Is the number coming down?  Robert Beaudry felt that the unfunded amount is now down to $2,000,000 rather than $3,000,000.  Last year Charlestown took a big hit on the sick leave buy-back program.

Morris Butterfield:  Morris Butterfield addressed the Board about compliance.  He went to the Planning Board and has talked to Bud Von Ahnen and Dave Edkins about the junkyard behind the former Charlestown Inn building.  Fred Poisson also has a tractor-trailer filled with debris in the swamp off Cummings Avenue and there are junk cars on Wetherby Road in South Charlestown and mobile homes stored on the State Road.  He would like the Selectboard to address these problems.  He does not believe that any more permits should be granted to Fred Poisson until he does comply.

Kurt Frazier:  Kurt Frazier came to talk about the same things.  Fred Poisson moves trailers without an escort vehicle and with no lights.  It is an act of non-compliance.  The trailers on Sullivan Street constitute a fire hazard.  He should not be granted any more permits until he comes into compliance with all these issues.  Mr. Frazier said he often has to clean debris off his property that comes off the trailers when going by.                                         

Brenda Ferland advised that letters have been sent to Fred Poisson on some of these issues.  Dave Edkins said that on Monday there were four or five cars on Wetherby Road and eight or nine on the access road into the property.  There are five or six mobile homes on the end of the Old State Road.  The next step is to initiate legal proceedings for compliance; that is time consuming and expensive.  Vehicles can be towed if they are parked on Town roads at the owner’s expense.  Jon LeClair felt that over the years enough letters have been sent to Fred Poisson about his operations.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard that it is time to take legal action as they have been more than lenient.  Chief Smith was asked to keep an eye on the issues that involve the Police Department.  

Sharon Francis:  Sharon Francis asked how the Selectboard intends to address the health and safety issues on the former Charlestown Inn property.  Brenda Ferland said the Selectboard has not met since a letter was received from Fred Poisson notifying them that he was going to have the building taken down, which was done today.  Fred Poisson said he does not have a time frame on removal of the pile of debris.  Dave Edkins feels that leaving a pile of debris on that property for an extended period of time poses several health and safety issues; there could be unlawful entry, possible lead from paint leaching out, or fire hazard.  A three-prong approach might be to; 1) have a specific time frame for removal of the debris; 2) the pile should be covered to minimize any leaching; and 3) fenced in some way to secure the area and some signage to prevent unauthorized access.  Fred Poisson said the tarps are coming tomorrow and the fencing will be done within a few days.  The Health Center next door was notified of the demolition activity in advance.  Dave Duquette is concerned with any run-off getting into the drains.  Dave Edkins is waiting for the Town Attorney to get back to him about the town’s authority to address these issues.  

Steve Neill moved to table taking any action on this issue until the next meeting.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  Brenda Ferland would prefer to meet as soon as there is an answer from the attorney because she would like to see the pile gone as soon as possible.  Jon LeClair is opposed because they need an answer from the attorney on the ramifications if the pile is not gone and what authority the Board has.  Vote:  Steve Neill was in favor.  Brenda Ferland and Jon LeClair were opposed.  The motion was defeated.

Jon LeClair moved that as soon as the Selectboard finds out what their legal powers are from the attorney, they draft a letter to Fred Poisson with their findings.  Steve Neill seconded the motion but amended it to include that the Selectboard first have a special meeting for discussion.  With all in favor, the amendment and motion carried.

It was suggested that the special meeting be scheduled for Monday, December 12th prior to meeting with the Finance Committee.  Dave Edkins has a few other items for discussion.

Gail Fellows:  Gail Fellows would like to know what the specific procedures are for enforcement of various regulations.  Brenda Ferland responded that the Selectboard tries not to involve the legal system too much because it is expensive.  After letters are written from the Town most people comply with the directives.  Dave Edkins said there is no written enforcement policy but generally speaking the procedure is to try to talk to the person involved first, and then write a letter about the violation if necessary, the next step is a formal Notice of Violation from the Town’s attorney and final action is to refer the matter to the attorney for legal action.  Gail Fellow’s personal feeling is that the Town should shorten the time limit.  This Town has reached a point where we need to do some enforcement; if you take some people to court there will not be as much trouble.  Ms. Fellows mentioned the so-called junkyard in North Charlestown and the dumpsite at the bottom of Route 12A and Depot Hill.  Chief Smith made contact with the people involved with the dumping on Depot Hill and it is being worked on.  Keith Weed said it is the State’s right-of-way not the towns.  

Fred Poisson:  Fred Poisson noted that two years ago the Town knowingly disposed of asbestos siding through the Transfer Station.  He would like to see the paper trail on that; how was it handled and where did it go.  The asbestos came off Jim Balcomb’s house.  Steve Neill remembers the issue but is not sure how it was finalized.  Dave Edkins will look into this.

There was no Selectboard Comment made at this meeting.                                         
2006 Holidays:  There was a consensus of the Selectboard that a decision has already been made regarding the remaining 2006 floating holiday, in addition to employee birthdays.  It appears that he employees preferred Columbus Day (Monday October 9) but Mr. Edkins will check the minutes to be sure.   

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, Etc.  The Payroll and Check Vouchers were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Transfer Station – Northeast Scale Company $574.01; 2) Transfer Station – Eastern Analytical for monitoring the wells $1,079.40; 3) Highway – Lane Construction for hot-mix $459.68;
4) Water and Sewer – Asetex Tire $1,021.84; 5) Highway – Blacktop, Inc. $554.88; and 6) Ambulance – Biotech, Inc. $313.99 – this voided out a previous purchase order.

Abatements:  The Selectboard approved two Abatements:  1) for Water in the amount of $33.30 and Sewer in the amount of $27.00 due to an administrative error; and 2) for Water in the amount of $444.00 due to an administrative error.

Ambulance Abatements for 2000-2003:  The Selectboard approved Ambulance Abatements for unpaid bills for 2000-2003 in the amount of $21,853.49.  Steve Neill would like to see a star or asterisk by the seniors who are not responsible for the unpaid portion of their bills.

Cemetery Deed:  The Selectboard approved and signed a corrected Cemetery Deed for Roberts and Ricker at Hope hill Cemetery.

Municipal Assessment Data Sheets:  The Selectboard approved and signed the Municipal Assessment Data Sheets that will be sent in to the State.

Deputy Health Officer:  Jon LeClair agreed to serve as the Deputy Health Officer.  Brenda Ferland and Steve Neill signed the appointment document.

Homeland Security Grant Program:  The Selectboard signed the Homeland Security Grant Program report that had been completed by the Police Department to keep the grant active.

Frank Delorier:  The Selectboard acknowledged a letter from Frank Delorier about some of the issues regarding the mobile homes and vehicles owned by Fred Poisson.  He is concerned about the former Fleetwood Sales Lot.  The Selectboard responded by referring him to the Planning Board which is currently considering this property.

Town Hall Roof:  Dave Edkins received four proposals for the Town Hall roof from Blanc & Bailey, Jancewicz & Sons, Long’s Roofing and Grandview Builders.  Right now the Town has budgeted $35,000.  The big issue is they have to stage the whole project resulting in a considerable unanticipated expense.  The chimneys are also in rough shape.  The Selectboard agreed to meet on Monday, December 12th at 6:30 pm to go over the major building improvements and other budget items.  At 8:00 pm they will meet with the Finance Committee.

Library Building Steps:  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to replace the treads on the steps and to replace the tiles on the landings as it is a safety issue.  One estimate for the repairs was approximately $2,800 but Mr. Edkins will seek another quote.    

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill has been unable to attend the Conservation Commission meetings as he has been going to the Finance Committee meetings.

CEDA – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that CEDA has not met since his last report.

Ambulance Department – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair advised that there have been no Ambulance Department meetings since his last report.

Solid Waste Committee – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that there have been no Solid Waste Committee meetings since his last report.  

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that the Heritage Commission has new officers.  Eric Lutz and Wes Van Velsor will be Co- Chairmen and Corey Rail is the secretary.  They probably will not use the balance of the money in the budget this year.  They are concerned about getting the Boston Cane restored.  There is also concern about North Main Street because the buildings are becoming historically non-contributing.  At some point the Heritage Commission may come back with a proposal to just have the south end of the Town included in the Historic District.  They plan to send letters to all the property owners along Main Street with an explanation about non-contributing buildings.  

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Planning Board met last night and approved two Sign Permits – one for the Anglican Church and the second one for the Charlestown Ambulance Service.  Rachelle Banford, co-owner of Morway’s Trailer Park, submitted a Site Plan Review application for a change of use on the property as Kemp’s Cable Company is now renting the small building.  Fred Poisson has used mobile homes on the lot but this property is permitted as a mobile home sales lot.  That application was not accepted as complete and was tabled until the next meeting.  


Steve Neill moved to enter into a Non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Personnel.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 9:25 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                              Approved,

Brenda L. Ferland, Chair                        Jon B. LeClair                  Steven A. Neill

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the December 21st, 2005, Selectboard meeting.)